Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Nope Anaot (Roaming Cloud)

Nâko: Rabindranath Tagore

Au onlê nope aneisit nbi oras haunoö-sin natkuan
lê napún palsumâ a-nbi neno-tnanan, Ó manas ameûsinet!
Ho leöt fêka naöeb nan fa au sumak,
he nmoê kau buâ mesê ok ho pinam,
ma onnane-te au ‘soî funan ma ton, oras usaitan ko.

Kalu i ho lomit ma kalu i ho ‘baë,
neu mait main au moëtluman afinit i,
mfene warna, mlape meiki mnatû,
musaibe natuin anin aslutus ma musanâ neu mkakat humâ-humâ.

Ma haefes a-ntein kalu ho mloim he musnasan ‘baë nok fai,
au lof usaibok ma umneuk ‘bi meisökan nanan,
aî ‘bi noknokâ amutik in kumanit,
nbi nekmeü akninô in manikin.

Roaming Cloud

By: Rabindranath Tagore

I am like a remnant of a cloud of autumn
uselessly roaming in the sky, O my sun ever-glorious!
Thy touch has not yet melted my vapor,
making me one with thy light,
and thus I count months and years separated from thee.

If this be thy wish and if this be thy play,
then take this fleeting emptiness of mine,
paint it with colors, gild it with gold,
float it on the wanton wind and spread it in varied wonders.

And again when it shall be thy wish to end this play at night,
I shall melt and vanish away in the dark,
or it may be in a smile of the white morning,
in a coolness of purity transparent.

Yohanes Manhitu es nasoni neu Uab Metô
Translated into Dawan by Yohanes Manhitu

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Hanfuaf Nonô Fauk ntomneu Uab Metô

Natuin laistenab nak Uab Metô, lê a-nmuî kanaf humaf bian onlê METO, UAB ATONI PAH METO, UAB PAH METO, TIMOR, TIMORESE, TIMOL, TIMOREESCH, TIMOREEZEN, DAWAN, TIMOR DAWAN, RAWAN, ma humaf bian (sumber: taklik teu i), ka nnès fa nâko tuaf 0.75 juta (baca: nol koma juta bôhitumním) es naüabe (= namolke) (sumber: the Indonesian Heritage, Language and Literature, 1998) nbi kabupaten (distrik) teun nok dialek (logat) humâ-humâ, au utenab ak uab i musti napèn hormat ma mateab neu pah-pinan nfunamnatéf. Au 'bèt an kanaf UAB METO fun in es mapakê namfau nnèsi nbi Pah Metô. Kanaf teun lê, natuin au tenab, nebè' mapakê msâ eslê UAB ATONI PAH METO, UAB PAH METO, ma DAWAN.

Kanaf DAWAN nane kanaf “matâteme”, fun fêka tít fa tuaf es nahín (kalu au ka 'san) lekâ kanaf nane nemantea atoin-Metô sin luekkin ma in nâko mé. Tuaf aüab Labit (= Uab Indonesia) sin, natám nok atoin-Metô sin kuk, onlêhe npaek tekas BAHASA DAWAN he nlekan neu UAB METO. Au uäkâ ak atoin-Metô namfau ma atoni biakini msâ a-nkios nak kanaf DAWAN nfain-on tekas Labit neu kanaf UAB METO. Lê i nebè'i nfain alasan nansâ es tekas i mapakê a-nbi bale-bale. Lasi i nabè'i ntom nak oras tuafes a-ntek kanaf aî tekas i, tuafes aî tuafin lê namolok nokne lof nalulub neöp neu Uab Meto aî neu atoin-Metô. Natuin hanaf i, natuin au lomit, 'bèt an kanaf nua in lê i nfain on judul neu blog i, nok tuis DAWAN nbi 'takaf nabit.

Tabê ma pules nâko blog tuaf,

Yohanes Manhitu


Yogyakarta, 14 Funboësamnuâ 2007