Monday, August 31, 2009
Gitanjali 15 (Dawan-English)
Nâko: Rabindranath Tagore
Au es kau i he ‘sí neu ko.
Nbi ho baeltolas i au ‘muï ‘tokô es siüf.
Nbi ho pah-pinan au ka ‘muî fa mepu;
au monit palsumâ ala nabeî natkauf
a-nbi hanlumat ka nok fa salit.
Lekâ oras a-nteaben he munaob ho onen kaäslutus
nbi uem’onen fai’atnanas ameisökat, muplén kau,
ó usî, he ‘hake ‘bi ho matam he ‘sí.
Lekâ harpa mnatû mastél a-nbi anin noknokâ,
mfe kau hormat, he utonok a-‘bi nane.
I am here to sing thee songs.
In this hall of thine I have a corner seat.
In thy world I have no work to do;
my useless life can only break out
in tunes without a purpose.
When the hour strikes for thy silent worship
at the dark temple of midnight, command me,
my master, to stand before thee to sing.
When in the morning air the golden harp is tuned,
honour me, commanding my presence.
Yohanes Manhitu es nasoni neu Uab Metô
Gitanjali 65 (Dawan-English)
Nâko: Rabindranath Tagore
Mninut leokleüf humaf sâ es ho mlomi, Usî,
nâko au monit in piala ahenûsekê i?
Au ahínpuisi ko, nane ho malinat he muët ho pakaet natuin au matak
ma he mhake mnesamnés a-mbi au lukek in enôn he mutnín
ho harmoni abalbalat kum?
Pah-pinan fê nakaon hanfuaf a-nbi au lolek ma ho mlilê a-nloul musik neu sin.
Ho mnon’om meu ka mbi manekat ma mutním ho minomim a-mbi kau.
What divine drink wouldst thou have, my God,
from this overflowing cup of my life?
My poet, is it thy delight to see thy creation through my eyes
and to stand at the portals of my ears silently to listen
to thine own eternal harmony?
Thy world is weaving words in my mind and thy joy is adding music to them.
Thou givest thyself to me in love and then feelest thine own entire sweetness in me.
Yohanes Manhitu es nasoni neu Uab Metô
Hanfuaf Nonô Fauk ntomneu Uab Metô
Kanaf DAWAN nane kanaf “matâteme”, fun fêka tít fa tuaf es nahín (kalu au ka 'san) lekâ kanaf nane nemantea atoin-Metô sin luekkin ma in nâko mé. Tuaf aüab Labit (= Uab Indonesia) sin, natám nok atoin-Metô sin kuk, onlêhe npaek tekas BAHASA DAWAN he nlekan neu UAB METO. Au uäkâ ak atoin-Metô namfau ma atoni biakini msâ a-nkios nak kanaf DAWAN nfain-on tekas Labit neu kanaf UAB METO. Lê i nebè'i nfain alasan nansâ es tekas i mapakê a-nbi bale-bale. Lasi i nabè'i ntom nak oras tuafes a-ntek kanaf aî tekas i, tuafes aî tuafin lê namolok nokne lof nalulub neöp neu Uab Meto aî neu atoin-Metô. Natuin hanaf i, natuin au lomit, 'bèt an kanaf nua in lê i nfain on judul neu blog i, nok tuis DAWAN nbi 'takaf nabit.
Tabê ma pules nâko blog tuaf,
Yohanes Manhitu
Yogyakarta, 14 Funboësamnuâ 2007